Delta 8 / CBD Hemp Cigs

Hemp Living Delta 8 CBD Hemp Cigs transform mind and body, while offering a great tasting Delta 8 Cigarette that burns amazing. Unpack and enjoy the benefits of properly infused Delta 8 & CBD flower. Each pack of Delta 8 Cigarettes includes 10 cigarettes with 500mg of Delta 8 and 700mg of CBD. We use premier High Flow filters with organic hemp wrap papers to make sure each drag is smooth and flavorful. There is no tobacco, nicotine, or fillers. Just pure CBD and Delta 8 distillate.

Blue Dream (Sativa) - Blue Dream, a Sativa-dominant Hybrid originating in California, has achieved legendary status among West Coast strains. Crossing blueberry with haze, Blue Dream balances full-body relaxation with gentle cerebral invigoration.

Pineapple Express (Hybrid) - Pineapple Express combines the potent and flavorful forces of parent strains Trainwreck and Hawaiian. The smell is similar to fresh apple and mango, with a taste of pineapple, pine, and cedar. This hard-hitting hybrid has been said to provide a long-lasting energetic buzz perfect for productive afternoons and creative escapes.

Purple Punch (Indica) - Purple Punch is the sweet and sedating union of two indica-dominant classic strains-- OG and Grandaddy Purple. The strain smells of grape candy, blueberry muffins, and tart Kool-aid. The potency of this strain gives the consumer 1-2 punch to the head and body.


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